16 November 2014

Is it possible to materialise a digital modeling technique?


Resoloom is a research and development project for a large scale construction model. The principal idea is to build complex surfaces utilizing their own subdivision- based design logic. Instead of breaking down large surfaces into components during fabrication we are proposing a continuous corner-cutting process to reach the desired form. Our development focused on a possible universal construction method, as opposed to a unique fabrication model. There is great potential in building large scale pieces using a repetitive and gradient material process. Introducing nested geometries as free form molds in combination with composite materials is the essence of the Resoloom project.

focus: physical subdivision modeling technique
collaborator: Dume:ne Comploi
program: building process, moldless forming
date: 2006-2007 in Studio Testa, Sci-Arc, Los Angeles


RESOLOOMING The building process is based on the Sabin-Doo subdivision algorithm of corner-cutting three dimensional geometry to
achieve a desired resolution. Our process starts with building up a draft version of the form. Using this skeleton as a rigid scaffolding
we propose a continuous fiber weave layer by layer to achieve the desired smoothness. After the hardening of the final layer the
previous steps are demounted. The final shell can be structurally self-supporting by relying on the strength of composite materials. It
works as an informal wireframe where the structural capacity is adjustable, gradient and could even become a fully closed surface by
increasing the density of the fibers.


BUILDING STEPS [ left to right ] 1. rigid scaffolding 2. automated fiber winding process 3. rigidized target form


PHYSICAL MODEL 2 meter long physical model, subdividing from a rigid box to a potato shape built out of rubber bands and zip ties


PROTOTYPE 6 meter long prototype shows the potential of building large scale complex forms, in this case a toroid-like free form surface